Advocacy and Political Coins
Why advocacy or political coins? Custom coins are never thrown away because they look like money. They’re permanently imprinted with your message and serve as a reminder every time they’re seen. What better way to remind someone of a cause near and dear to their heart?
If you’re interested in creating custom group coins for your organization, we can do that too.
These campaign tokens are 100% made in the USA.

Advocacy and Political Coins Reinforce Your Message
Osborne Coinage traces their political coin impact back to the 1860’s when we made political medallions for Abraham Lincoln’s Presidential campaign. Showing support for a cause, politician, or political party was important then and is just as important now.
Continue the tradition and use personalized political tokens for your next political rally, political demonstration, march, protest or political campaign. Whatever your cause, we can make a personalized advocacy and political token to commemorate your event, hand out at a rally, build excitement for an upcoming march, or show affiliation with a group.
Advocacy and political coins can be funny, subversive, supportive, meaningful or irreverent. Our selection of stock political tokens express frustration at the current administration or political party in charge, show affiliation to a particular political party or group, or support an ideological position.